Monday, February 13, 2017

Nick Alexander and I’ll Tell You Why: Mary Poppins was Lit

I spent my Friday night a little different than usual on Feb. 3, 2017. Normally I would simply partake in the wonderful survival sport of avoiding starvation. Scavenging the kitchen to find whatever food I can get my hands on to satisfy the agonizing cries of my stomach. After a thorough investigation of the contents of my refrigerator, food pantry, and my roommate’s secret hiding place of various snacks, treats, and other goodies, I often retire to my self-appointed throne in the living room. Here I indulge myself to Netflix and consider my choices in the vast amount of programs to watch. All the while, my two dogs bark and roughhouse in step with whatever I have chosen to watch; their sole duty being to make sure I am distracted and cannot concentrate on what is happening on screen.

However, this Friday night was different. This night I received an invitation to join some friends as they went to watch Mosley High School’s production of "Mary Poppins." I have only been to one other musical before, and it did not really stir up excitement in me; I was hesitant to say the least. Netflix and playing tug of war with my dogs started to look appealing. I was not sure I wanted to pay $15 to spend two to three hours of my time watching a musical I might not enjoy. That is more than a movie ticket. Besides, I’m an average broke college student, I don’t have the luxury of being able to drop $15 on a whim whenever I feel like it. In these tough times it’s important to be sure of what I’m investing my time and money into. Shoot, $15 will fill up half my tank. That’s like 13-14 McDoubles. That’s 75 packs of Ramen noodles. But, I digress.

Therefore, when the offer of someone buying my ticket came about, you best believe I snatched it up. I’ll tell you what too, Mosley Drama did not disappoint me. They were hitting on all cylinders Opening night of a two-day show. I was impressed by the costumes, the choreography, the singing, everything. Mary Poppins and the person that played Bert were the real MVP for being hoisted in the air strapped to some cables. I couldn’t do it; that’s a long drop if you fall.

Where the cast really impressed me was with them all singing “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” and none of them missing a beat. That was awesome. Had I known I was going to have that great of a time, I would’ve paid the $15 to show my love and support. It was a great way to shake up my Friday night routine. I laughed, smiled, and by the end of the show, everyone was on their feet in a standing ovation for the cast and crew who put on such a fun program.

— Nick Alexander

Four Crossed Logs intern
professional communication major

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