Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The full-time wife, mom, student

I’ve been in school on and off since 2001. I managed to have a great career for 13 years with a fantastic company. It took up all of my time. I worked 60-hour work weeks from my office, my house and my car. I never had a vacation, and if I did, I was tethered to some sort of communication device. There was no escape. The money was great, but my life wasn’t fulfilling. I wanted to get my degree before I turned 40, which was and still is the goal.

If I didn’t think I had time then, I was insane to think having a family would be any easier. I used to think stay-at-home moms sat the baby in a bouncy seat, watched TV and ate Bonbons all day. Shame on me. I haven’t had a full night’s sleep in a year — it’s true when they say you can never catch up on your sleep, so take that nap now!

Here is a quick look at a typical morning:

4 a.m. 

Quick feed and back to bed. She’s getting better at sleeping though the night, but because we are trying an earlier bedtime, she’s waking up a little earlier than we would like.

4:30 a.m. 

It’s hard to get back to sleep. I have homework, housework, family, my future, my daughter’s future and house projects going through my head. I’m missing Texas … it’s now 5:45 a.m.

6 a.m. 

Husband’s up! He’s making Cuban coffee and breakfast, so this may be my only chance to eat for a while!

7:30 a.m. 

Hubby is off to work, and I have at least 30 minutes to take a shower, make the bed, start a load of laundry, put the dishes away from the night before, write a grocery list, let our dogs out to play  and feed the cat.

8 a.m. 

If the child is still sleeping, I take this time to pay bills, catch up on studying or read one of the five books I had to have last Christmas. 

If you’re a mom attending college, you have my deepest respect and I have a hug here for you if you need one. I’ve been on both sides of the glass, the young student who used the phrase “as long as I don’t fail, I’m good,” to the “I might want to go to grad school” adult. As grateful as I am to have had both experiences, I’d have to say my current status is more gratifying. Taking my education for granted isn’t an option and time is of the essence. And if you’re a young college student and most of this article was foreign to you, call your mom and say thank you for everything she’s done.

Got to go, I’m out of coffee!

— Sandra de Arrigunaga

Four Crossed Logs intern
professional communication major

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